FULL Megpoid English VB
"Gumi" is a childhood nickname of Megumi Nakajima.[3] The software name, "Megpoid", was taken from the provider's name "Megumi." The second half, "poid", is a combination of "ppoi" (っぽい: resembling) and "loid": "like Vocaloid". The full implied name of this product is "Megumi-like Vocaloid."
FULL Megpoid English VB
Download File: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmiimms.com%2F2u79UI&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw24GyjW_y57a-9xcGpYvcx4
In 2011, an independent report was made into the popularity of VOCALOID, and revealed that most VOCALOIDs had less than 1,000 videos uploaded to Nico Nico Douga between July 1 and December 15. GUMI managed to succeed in grabbing more attention than most VOCALOIDs, and at 2,107 uploads, had the third highest video upload count relating to a VOCALOID. At 9,538,464 views and 929,810 mylists, GUMI was the VOCALOID to receive the second highest number of views overall. Based on average views, she managed to come out on top with 4,527.04 views (and 441.3 mylists) on average per video. When the mean count was performed on the VOCALOID results, GUMI remained on top with 485 views and 34 mylists per video, and was the only one besides the Kagamines to successfully be on all lists performed in the report.[12]
"Gumi" is a childhood nickname of Nakajima Megumi.[4] The software name, "Megpoid", was taken from the provider's name "Megumi." The second half, "poid", is a combination of "ppoi" (っぽい: resembling) and "loid": "like Vocaloid". The full implied name of this product is "Megumi-like Vocaloid."
In 2011, an independent report was made into the popularity of VOCALOID, and revealed that most VOCALOIDs had less than 1,000 videos uploaded to NicoNico between July 1 and December 15. GUMI managed to succeed in grabbing more attention than most VOCALOIDs, and at 2,107 uploads, had the third highest video upload count relating to a VOCALOID. At 9,538,464 views and 929,810 mylists, GUMI was the VOCALOID to receive the second highest number of views overall. Based on average views, she managed to come out on top with 4,527.04 views (and 441.3 mylists) on average per video. When the mean count was performed on the VOCALOID results, GUMI remained on top with 485 views and 34 mylists per video, and was the only one besides the Kagamines to successfully be on all lists performed in the report.[11]
During the Vocaloid 3 promotions, it was claimed that SeeU had enough capabilities to do English. While post release discoveries noted she had extra phonemes recorded for use to create English with her Korean vocal, this was still not a true English vocal recreation and SBS artech received criticism over this. SBS Artech announced they would produce an English vocal for SeeU. In Feb 2012 they stated that they were working on a full English voicebank[4] In August 2012, SBS reported that the recordings for the voicebank had been completed and was now going through a tuning process. Her English VB will be similar to the "Append" expansion pack of Vocaloid 2 and her design slightly adjusted.[5] On February 4, 2013, in response to a Korean fan's question about the progress of English Voicebank, SBS posted a reply that the development of English Voicebank is on hold. Reasons for this are currently unknown.[6]