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Luke Edwards
Luke Edwards

Raptus [Ep.6 Part 2] [EXCLUSIVE]

You and your older brother are going to a city called Free Will, because this is the last place where your missing mother has been seen. This town has it's own difficulties and your stay here becomes much more complicated as you thought. What's the best part, here you'll meet really hot girls.

Raptus [Ep.6 Part 2]

Today is the day. You made plans to join an apartment-share in a new city. After weeks of email exchanges, it's finally time to meet your new roommates. Luckily for you there are really hot girls around you and you'll have lots of fun. Besides government decided to confine everyone to their apartments, so now your stuck with those babes.

And here we go with the 3rd week of this game. Please check previous parts in the links below if you haven't played them. As you already seen in 2nd week things get little bit crazier and more fetishes are presented. Prepare for an act with man vs shemale, glory holes, classic threesome and many more. is a pics/videos search engine using Google Custom Search. Google Custom Search is a Javascript Google Search plugin supported by Google Inc.No image files are hosted on our server. We only help to make it easier for visitors to find websites with images and is not responsible for third party website content.If one of this file is your intelectual property (copyright infringement) or child pornography, illegal pornography / immature sounds, please contact us via email or submit a DMCA complaint.

The promiscuous mass of Bloud which flows in the Veins and Arteries, he divides into three parts: the one [Page 4] is called by him the Latex; the second Cruor; the third Sanguis, or most properly Blood.

Ibid. p. 22.The goodness or pravity of the Latex, depends much upon the bloud, as it is constituted; for, albeit it is no essential part thereof, yet is it altered for better or worse, according to the channels it passeth through, the lodging it taketh up, and the condition of its associate: notwithstanding that it may be sometimes impaired in its due excellency, and the bloud withall remain very pure and sincere.

Ibid. p. 2.The third part is properly called Sanguis, or Bloud, [...], it is a most pure sweet Homogeneous, Balsamie, Vital juyce (for the most part of a bright Red, or Reddish colour) made by the Archaeus, by virtue of ferments implanted in the ventricles of the heart, lungs, veins and arteries, causing a formal transmutation of the Ckyme, or milky substance into this sanguineous liquor, ordained to be the seat of Life, and and the principal matter for sense, motion, nutrition, accretion, and generation.

[Page 5]It is for good reason called Balsamum, seu Condimentum totius corporis, Some peoples flesh will not heal upon the least cut, notwithstanding this Sanative quality in the Blood. forasmuch as it hath a sanative power, sweetly uniting all the parts of the body, for the conspiration of the good of the whole.

It is a great preservative against putrefaction, as long as it remains in its integrity, for consisting of many saline particles,Yet are several glandules sweeter to taste, than the sanguineous, fleshy parts of Animals. it seasoneth whatsoever it toucheth with a pleasing sapour.

Wherefore we conclude with that noble Philosopher,Ibid. p. 6. that Bloud is an Vnivocal substance, divisible only by some external accidental means, as the Air, or Fire, which cause a various texture, and different position of its Atomes, whereby it seems to consist of parts which are not really inherent in it, as is manifest in its degeneration from [Page 6] its native colour, sapour, consistence, and goodness, which it had before it became corrupt in the pottinger, or underwent the torture of fire. Both of which do strangely larvate and disguise the puniceous Balsome, giving occasion to the Galenists to frame their four fictitious humours, no where really existent.

Concerning the Blood, when I read the Elogies he bestowes upon it, as the Seat of the Soul, by which sensation, motion, nutrition, generation, are performed; I thought [...]pon the opinion of Aristotle, and his zealous sectators [...]mongst the Physicians, who have denied all Animal spi [...]its, fixed the principality of the Members in the Heart, [Page 8] and from thence derived even the nerves. If G. T. will defend the generality of his Assertion, I assure him that Hofman, Van der Linden, and Harvey, will be more serviceable to him than Van Helmont: But this consideration hath little influence upon the present Controversie: that which follows hath nothing of Truth in it: that the Bloud is an Homogeneous, Dr. Willis de [...]erment. c. 6. Kerger. de fermentat. sect. 1. c. 11. pure body: for nothing homogeneous can ferment: But it is most evident, that the bloud is in a perpetual fermentation, and that it is such a liquor, as is constantly generating, constantly depurating, and constantly expending it self: so that nought but Imagination can represent unto us such a thing as pure bloud: and I hope the specious pretences of a Real Philosophy, will not terminate in Speculation and Phansie. When the bloud either naturally issues forth, or upon incision of a vein, it representeth unto us different Phoenomena oftentimes in several porringers, and in the same porringer different substances; sometimes a supernatant gelatine, and mucus, a coagulated mass, consisting of thinner, and a less fibrous crimson, and a grosser, and more blackish-red body, enterwoven with fibres (both which may be washed away from the fibrous part) and a serous, fluid liquor, sometimes limpid, sometimes of a bilious, or other colour, in which the concreted mass of bloud doth float: All these, with other Phoenomena, (in a great variety) are to be seen in the aforesaid cases: and even the Bloud of the same body, E venis capitis nunquam talem muccaginem affluentem vidimus, crebrius è venis brachii, è pedum autem venis creberrimè, & in majori copia. as it issues from several veins, furnisheth us with matter for different observations. Now in a liquor so pure and Homogeneous, as our Disciple of the Lord Bacon imagineth the Bloud to be, though we should suppose the Air to corrupt it, as it issues into, and settles in the pottinger, yet would the corruption thereof be uniform: which, seeing it is not, I take it for demonstrated, that it is Heterogeneous: And that being granted, it matters not whether the four humours (so frequently mentioned by Physicians) be actually or potentially in the blood: Moebius fundam. medic. de usu Cord [...]. p 259 Whether they be the constitutive parts thereof, or whether it [Page 9] be one entire Liquor, made up of Heterogeneous parts, which, in the bodies of sundry individuals, produceth such Phaenomena, as if it did consist of such Alimentary Humours, and degenerates occ [...]onally into those others that are Excrementitious: In order to our practice, 'tis all one for it to be so, and to appear so: and our documents are nevertheless useful, though they seem not rigorously true. The Galenical Physicians are not herein agreed; nor is any man confined in his sentiments, about this subject: 'Tis malapertness in this Bacon-faced generation, to dispute these points, since the phaenomena of diseases, and the operation of Medicaments doth correspond with this Hypothesis, and are as adequate thereunto, as humane nature (which is not capable of an exact knowledge, and ought to acquiesce in what is useful) can adjust them. Nor is it any more of disparagement to Physick, that should be built upon so tottering a foundation, then that the Temple of Diana, one of the wonders of the world, should be situated upon a bogg.

A farther mistake it is in him, that he represents the Galenists as such pittiful fellows, that should not know but that each corruption of the bloud is incorrigible, and [Page 13] therefore let it out. It is true, that we do hold, that it is possible for the bloud to be so vitiated, as to be incorrigible, and that one may assoon hope to see the regress from a total privation, as it restored. This hath been observed in pestilential diseases sometimes, and in sphacelated parts: and perhaps I may be allowed to reckon as such, the bloud of that person in Fernelius, Fernel. Physiolog. l. 6. c. 7. which was universally coagulated in the veins; so as to be taken out as 'twere branches of coral:River. obs. communicatae à Pachequo, obs. 46. And that Woman's in the observations of Pachequus, whose bloud in a continual fever did issue out, upon Phlebotomy, as cold as Ice, or Snow: the like to which, in the spotted fever is taken notice of, as a fatal prognostick by Petrus à Castro. Petr. à Castro, de febre malign. pag. 90. If Plempius give me leave, I would reckon in putrid fevers, that bloud to be incorrigibly depraved, which doth not coagulate, and is destitute of its fibres, Fernel. Therapent. Univ. l. 2. c. 17. Sennert. de febr. l. 2. c. 1. since Fernelius and others esteem of such as an evident testimony of the highest putrefaction. It is also true, that we do hold, that where diseases are ordinarily, or frequently curable, yet by accident from the idio-syncrasie of the patient, or some other intervening cause, the bloud may be continued in such a vitiated estate, as to be incorrigibly corrupted, and yet its essential form not lost; as in case of Cancers, Hypochondriacal and Scorbutical distempers, Scirrhosities of the Liver, Spleen, and Mesentery, Leprosies, knotted Gout, calculous indispositions, &c. I might mention other cases, but they relate not to the present controversie, and I have already said enough to shew the ignorance of this Baconist. To come nearer to the main matter; It is true, that we do hold, that in many distempers, as in the Scurvey, putrid Fever, and some others, the mass of bloud is so putrified and corrupted, that even that which is termed more stricktly Blood, is depraved sundry wayes: for, if the vessels that generate and convey the Chyle, and the Chyle it self be corrupted, 'tis impossible but that which is produced and supplied daily out of the Chyle, should participate of it pravity, and so much the more in that they flow intimately commixed in the same Arteries and Veins: But [Page 14] that in such cases we hold the Blood to be so depraved, as to have lost its formal essence totally and irrecoverably, is most notoriously false: and any man may see hence, that this Ignoramus understands not the Galenical way, but deserted it, before he had acquainted himself therewith. This be might have learned from Galen, in his Comment upon Aphor. 17. l. 2. We do hold that the blood and associated humours may come to a partial putrefaction, and yet be recovered again: and 'tis this recovery and redintegration that we design by our practice, and if we cannot effect it totally, yet that we aim at, is, to concoct the several humours, so that what there is of them that is alimentary, and agreeable to nature, may be mitified and retained, and the rest so digested, as that it may be with ease and safety ejected the body, and so the Mass of bloud regain its former lustre and amicableness: This being the grand intention of the received Method of Physick, 'tis one thing to debate whether blood-letting, practiced according to Art, (for we are not otherwise concerned in the Quarrel) be a suitable proper means to atchieve our purposes? And another, to say, that we pierce poor mans skin, and rashly throw away the support of life, out of a vain apprehension, that it is totally corrupt, and depraved of its former being, and no wise capable of being retrograde. This cannot be said without an apparent injury unto us: We know the variety and fallaciousness of colours, and by our rules, can well conjecture how far the Humours are vitiated, what may be concocted in order to the nutriment and benefit of nature, and what maturated to a convenient ejectment; And we do utterly deny the consequence of this Argument, though we grant the Assumption: Viz. 041b061a72


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