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Prisons Judo Club

Public·18 members

Luke Edwards
Luke Edwards


Our message is that mental health is just as important as physical health, and should be treated that way. We are creating a world where help is accessible for everyone who wants it without taboo. A world where we can talk about our emotions and mentality. We encourage real discussions, conversations, and education around mental health. We are national & international. We work with our communities and schools while pulling research and providing education & awareness through a variety of platforms in order to solve the challenge of bringing important, life saving knowledge to the public.


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Money is touchy subject for many, the source of deep emotions, conflicts and anxieties. A taboo against talking about money removes an important strategy for addressing anxiety. It also makes it harder for therapists to treat patients whose challenges relate to money.

The money taboo keeps us ignorant of better habits, practices and perspectives. "This taboo keeps people from finding money's proper place in their lives. It keeps them from balancing their financial needs with other needs; such as love, family, self-expression, self-esteem, meaningful work, and physical or emotional health." It can maintain the false impression that more money can make us happier.

The taboo can stress marriages because, in (heterosexual) marriage, men who typically earn more, tend to control the money: but this conflicts with idea of marriage as an equal partnership. Indeed, money friction is a leading cause of divorce.

Finally, the taboo can keep women and minorities at the low-end of the pay gap, since it makes it harder to learn the true value of their labor. The taboo could worsen class conflict by increasing envy and resentment of the rich.

In short, the money taboo is a harmful and long-standing feature of American society. It can lead to mistakes and conflicts, perpetuating ignorance, mistakes, inequality and anxieties. But we can do something about it. As scary is it may feel, we can begin to open the conversation by talking about (and writing) about money more frequently. We can do this in our homes and in our workplaces (where it has been shown to increase productivity.) While these conversations may not be easy, they surely benefit everyone who participates and begin the long process of weakening this harmful taboo.

also tabu, 1777 (in Cook's "A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean"), "consecrated, inviolable, forbidden, unclean or cursed," explained in some English sources as being from Tongan (Polynesian language of the island of Tonga) ta-bu "sacred," from ta "mark" + bu "especially." But this may be folk etymology, as linguists in the Pacific have reconstructed an irreducable Proto-Polynesian *tapu, from Proto-Oceanic *tabu "sacred, forbidden" (compare Hawaiian kapu "taboo, prohibition, sacred, holy, consecrated;" Tahitian tapu "restriction, sacred, devoted; an oath;" Maori tapu "be under ritual restriction, prohibited"). The noun and verb are English innovations first recorded in Cook's book.

In a group or society, a taboo is something that is not acceptable to talk about or do. An activity or behavior can be taboo in one culture, but not in another. Some things like cannibalism and sexual relationships between siblings are taboo in almost all societies. Sometimes even talking about taboos is taboo. Some taboos may also be against the law, and people who break them may be punished. Breaking taboos can seem rude, and can cause embarrassment or shame.

Many world religions have taboos about food. Islam and Judaism both say there are some foods which people should never eat. A halal diet does not include any of the foods that are taboo in Islam. A kosher diet does not include any of the foods that are taboo in Judaism. Other religions say that people should be vegetarians. In these religions, eating meat is taboo. Many societies also have taboos about food. For example, cannibalism is taboo in most societies in the world.

Some sexual activities, gender roles, and relationships are taboo in many religions, societies, and cultures. For example, fornication, adultery, endogamy violations, miscegenation, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia and other paraphilias are taboo in many groups.

In many societies, performing bodily functions in public is taboo. Taboo activities in public might include burping, flatulence, defecation, urination, masturbation, nosepicking, and spitting. In some societies, menstruation is taboo, and women are expected not to talk about it in public.

The anthropological approach says that taboos are the result of history and certain cultural experiences. A psychologist and writer named Steven Pinker says that taboos have developed culturally from more basic instincts. He thinks that humans have a reflex to feel disgust when they see some things that carry disease (including dead bodies). He says that people created taboos regarding the dead because of this natural disgust for dead bodies. He thinks that some actions can also cause this reflex of disgust. He says many people have a reflex of disgust about incest (sexual relationships between family members). For this reason, taboos about incest developed. 041b061a72


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