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Luke Edwards
Luke Edwards

A Complete Guide to Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre: Features, Installation and Usage

<h1>What is Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre and Why You Should Use It</h1>

<p>Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre is a version of the popular computational chemistry software Gaussian that runs on 64-bit Intel-based Linux systems. Gaussian is a powerful tool for molecular modeling and simulation that can perform a wide range of calculations, such as energy, geometry optimization, frequency analysis, transition state search, molecular properties, reaction paths, and more.</p>

Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre

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<p>Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre offers many new features and capabilities that allow you to study larger molecular systems and additional areas of chemistry. For example, it supports NVIDIA K40 and K80 GPUs for faster Hartree-Fock and density functional theory calculations, it has improved parallel performance on larger number of processors, it can automatically recalculate the force constants every nth step of the geometry optimization, and it has tools for interfacing Gaussian with external programs in various languages.</p>

<h2>How to Install and Use Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre</h2>

<p>To install Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre, you need to have a valid license from Gaussian, Inc. and download the binary or source code from their website. You also need to have the required libraries installed on your system, such as xlsmp.rte and xlf.rte for SuSE Linux Enterprise or Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You can follow the installation instructions provided by Gaussian, Inc. or consult their technical support if you encounter any problems.</p>

<p>To use Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre, you need to create an input file that specifies the type of calculation, the molecular structure, the basis set, and other options. You can use GaussView, a graphical user interface for Gaussian, to create and visualize input files and output files. You can also use text editors or other programs to create input files. To run a calculation, you need to invoke Gaussian with the input file name as an argument. For example:</p>


<p>This will create an output file named input.log that contains the results of the calculation. You can examine the output file with GaussView or other programs to analyze the results.</p>

<h3>The Benefits of Using Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre</h3>

<p>Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre is a versatile and reliable software that can help you perform accurate and efficient calculations on various chemical systems. It can handle molecules with up to thousands of atoms and hundreds of basis functions. It can also handle systems with different types of bonds, such as covalent, ionic, metallic, or hydrogen bonds. It can also handle systems with different types of symmetry, such as point group symmetry or periodic boundary conditions.</p>

<p>Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre can also help you explore different aspects of chemistry, such as thermodynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy, solvation, reaction mechanisms, catalysis, and more. It can also help you compare different theoretical methods and models, such as Hartree-Fock theory, density functional theory, post-Hartree-Fock methods, semi-empirical methods, molecular mechanics methods, and hybrid methods.</p>

<p>Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre is a valuable software for researchers, students, teachers, and professionals who are interested in computational chemistry and molecular modeling. It can help you gain insights into the structure, properties, and behavior of chemical systems and enhance your understanding of chemistry.</p>

<h4>How to Choose the Best Theoretical Method and Basis Set for Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre</h4>

<p>One of the most important decisions when using Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre is to select the appropriate theoretical method and basis set for your calculation. The theoretical method determines how the electronic structure of the molecule is calculated, while the basis set determines how the atomic orbitals are represented. There are many different theoretical methods and basis sets available in Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre, each with its own advantages and limitations.</p>

<p>The choice of the theoretical method and basis set depends on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the molecule, the accuracy and reliability required, the computational cost and time available, and the type of property or phenomenon of interest. There is no single best method or basis set for all calculations, but rather a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the literature and compare different methods and basis sets for similar systems before performing your own calculation.</p>

<p>Some general guidelines for choosing the theoretical method and basis set are:

- For single-reference methods, such as Hartree-Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT), a larger basis set usually improves the accuracy of the calculation, but also increases the computational cost. A good compromise is to use a split-valence basis set, such as 6-31G(d) or 6-311+G(d,p), which includes polarization and diffuse functions to account for electron correlation and anion stability.

- For multi-reference methods, such as configuration interaction (CI) or coupled cluster (CC), a smaller basis set is usually sufficient, since these methods already include a large amount of electron correlation. A minimal basis set, such as STO-3G or 3-21G, can be used for exploratory calculations, while a double-zeta basis set, such as DZP or cc-pVDZ, can be used for more accurate calculations.

- For properties that depend on the electron density distribution, such as dipole moments, polarizabilities, or NMR chemical shifts, DFT methods are usually preferred over HF methods, since they account for electron correlation more effectively. However, DFT methods may suffer from self-interaction errors or dispersion errors for some systems, so it is important to choose a suitable functional that matches your system. Some popular functionals are B3LYP, PBE0, M06-2X, and wB97X-D.

- For properties that depend on the energy differences between different electronic states, such as excitation energies, ionization potentials, or electron affinities, HF methods are usually more reliable than DFT methods, since they avoid self-interaction errors and give a better description of the orbital energies. However, HF methods may neglect important electron correlation effects that affect the energy differences, so it is advisable to use a post-HF method, such as MP2, CCSD(T), or CASSCF, to correct for these effects.</p>

<h5>Some Examples of Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre Calculations</h5>

<p>To illustrate the capabilities and applications of Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre, here are some examples of calculations that can be performed with this software:

- Geometry optimization and frequency analysis of water molecule using B3LYP/6-31G(d) method. This calculation can be used to obtain the equilibrium geometry, vibrational frequencies, infrared spectrum, and thermochemical properties of water.

- Transition state search and reaction path calculation of SN2 reaction between CH3Cl and F- using MP2/6-31+G(d,p) method. This calculation can be used to locate the transition state structure, calculate the activation energy and rate constant, and trace the reaction coordinate along the minimum energy path.

- Excitation energy and UV/visible spectrum calculation of benzene molecule using TD-DFT/B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) method. This calculation can be used to predict the electronic transitions and absorption spectrum of benzene in the ultraviolet and visible regions.

- NMR chemical shift calculation of ethanol molecule using GIAO/DFT/PBE0/6-311+G(2d,p) method. This calculation can be used to simulate the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of ethanol and compare it with experimental data.</p>

<h6>How to Troubleshoot and Solve Common Problems with Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre</h6>

<p>Although Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre is a robust and reliable software, you may encounter some problems or errors when using it. Some of the common problems and their possible solutions are:

- If you get a message saying "Error termination via Lnk1e", it means that Gaussian has encountered a fatal error and terminated abnormally. You can check the output file for more details about the error and its possible causes. Some common causes are insufficient disk space, memory allocation failure, incorrect input file syntax, or convergence failure.

- If you get a message saying "Normal termination of Gaussian", it means that Gaussian has completed the calculation successfully and produced the output file. However, you should still check the output file for any warnings or errors that may affect the quality or validity of the results. Some common warnings are SCF convergence failure, negative frequencies, or imaginary frequencies.

- If you get a message saying "Segmentation fault", it means that Gaussian has crashed due to a memory access violation. This may be caused by a bug in the program, a corrupted input file, or a hardware problem. You can try to run the calculation again with a different input file or on a different machine. You can also contact Gaussian technical support for assistance.</p>

<h7>How to Learn More About Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre</h7>

<p>If you want to learn more about Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre and its features and capabilities, you can use the following resources:

- The Gaussian website ( provides information about the software, its history, its developers, its pricing, and its licensing. You can also download the latest version of the software, access the online documentation, watch tutorial videos, read white papers, and contact technical support.

- The GaussView website ( provides information about the graphical user interface for Gaussian, which allows you to create and visualize input and output files. You can also download the latest version of the software, access the online help, watch tutorial videos, and contact technical support.

- The Gaussian User Forum ( is an online community where you can ask questions, share tips, discuss problems, and exchange ideas with other Gaussian users. You can also search for previous topics and answers, browse by categories, and subscribe to email notifications.

- The Gaussian User Reference ( is a comprehensive guide to all the keywords, options, methods, and features of Gaussian 09 Rev D 01 Em64t Torre. You can access it online or download it as a PDF file. You can also search for specific topics or keywords using the index or the search function.</p> 4e3182286b


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